GreenStalk Vertical Planter

Well I was bored and sick at home with a stupid head cold, so I decided to put my Leaf GreenStalk Vertical Planter together. I bought the original tower too for strawberries but they didn’t send the spinning base. So, unfortunately I have to wait to construct that one.

I mixed my own potting mix. 2 part peat moss (moistened), 1 part compost, 1 part vermiculite, 1/2 part worm castings, sprinkled small amount of Azomite and some plant food on top and combined well!

I got plants from Woods Rose Market, Cashman’s Nursery and a couple from Walmart. Don’t judge! 😉 Planted lettuce, chard, spinach, parsley, & rosemary.

I rigged a lighting system with my left over lights. I can’t believe it actually worked. I ordered a $30 circle grow light to hang at the top. I looked into buying a lighting system! OMG the price was shocking!

I had a viewer mention I should add chain supports to the lights, so they are not hanging from the cords, which can damage them. Great Idea! So I did exactly that!

Looks cooler as it gets darker!

The GreenStalk only comes with a small 1 foot hose to direct the water away from the tower. So in my case I had to add 11 feet to that!

Right now I don’t trust planting outside yet. So I have it inside. The thought of maybe growing inside with this for winter makes me excited!

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