DIY Neti Pot Solution

So I have been nursing a cold and doing the Neti Pot. Woke up this morning and only had 1 packet of solution left. Poop!

Searched around and found a great article from She gives you some good information and a great solution recipe.…

Elderberry Syrup

Finally I made my own ELDERBERRY SYRUP!

I used the ingredients from 2 of my favorite people: Jen Hansard of and Rosalee De La Forêt!

I used Jen’s regular recipe and added fresh ground black pepper, licorice root and rosemary from Rosalee’s recipe.…


I love ginger but preparing it for use sometimes is a pain. I buy organic ginger at Costco, 2 containers at a time. Winter I used it a lot in my hot tea in the mornings. Summer not so much! Who wants hot tea when it’s 80+ degrees outside?…

Garlic: An All-Star Winter Remedy

This post is from the wonderful folks at

by Larken Bunce, MS, Clinical Herbalist & Co-Director  Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism

Since garlic – whole cloves either chopped in honey or just sucked on whole – has stopped a few of my colds already this season, I’m re-posting this useful overview by herbalist Larken Bunce.