Take Caution When Introducing New Plants!


Never put newly bought plants with your seedling you started at home. Keep them in a separate spot away from the healthy ones and treat them with neem oil, or your choice of insecticide or fungicide. After a day or so, when you are sure the newly bought plants are safe from any disease or pests, then introduce them to the rest of your plants.…


It’s a small harvest but every other day I keep picking and eating them while watering the garden in the mornings. So sweet and yummy!

I’m finishing up my post on my strawberry garden Tower. Hope to post soon! Here is a pic of the finished tower!…

2016 Garden – March

MARCH 12, 2016:

I’m so excited for this years garden!! I feel it’s going to be another good one!!

Today I planted organic starter plants. Used organic starter soil & my really small spaced planter container. Amended the soil with azomite.…