DIY Neti Pot Solution

So I have been nursing a cold and doing the Neti Pot. Woke up this morning and only had 1 packet of solution left. Poop!

Searched around and found a great article from She gives you some good information and a great solution recipe.…

Elderberry Syrup

Finally I made my own ELDERBERRY SYRUP!

I used the ingredients from 2 of my favorite people: Jen Hansard of and Rosalee De La Forêt!

I used Jen’s regular recipe and added fresh ground black pepper, licorice root and rosemary from Rosalee’s recipe.…

Solavore Oven – Brownies 😋

Weather this morning is perfect for Solavore Oven cooking. I decided to make brownies for everyone….


1/2 c butter, melted

1 c sugar

2 eggs

1 t vanilla

1/3 c cocoa

1/2 c flour

1/4 t salt

1/4 t baking powder


Preheat your solar oven .…

Instant Pot – Homemade Yogurt

Who knew yogurt could be so easy. Kalispell Creamery whole milk was on sale for $1.99 a gallon at my grocery store, I bought three gallons to try making yogurt.

The process was pretty easy, I was surprised. I love my instant Pot!!…

Solar Cooking: Banana Bread

Tenaya wants to make banana bread in the solar oven, so we did. We followed the recipe for mango-banana bread. Didn’t have mango so we substituted 2 ripe bananas. Batter tasted great.


• 1/2 cup coconut oil

• 1/2 cup sugar

• 1 egg (I used 2 med.…

Solar Cooking: Black Bean Burger Chili

So I’m looking into my freezer and notice I bag full of broken pieces. As I examine closer I figured out I smooshed a bag of black bean burger patties. 

I know I’ll make chili in my new solar oven.

Here are the ingredients I thru together.…