Neem Oil in the Garden

I love Neem Oil! I just got done treating all my seedlings with it. Always test neem oil on a section of your plants first. Wait 24hrs, if everything looks good spray down your plant. I did my tests and everything looked great, so I drenched all my seedling with neem oil extract.

cucumber, broccoli, chinese cabbage, kale, fennel, swiss chard & basil.
kale, swiss chard, sage, thyme, collards and basil
I even sprayed these little guys down too. I still have a ways to go to get all these into larger pots before outdoor planting in June!

chives, eggplant, cabbage, brussels sprouts, swiss chard, rosemary, spinach, kale, chamomile, oregano, marjoram, lemon balm, cilantro, parsley, mint, sweet bell peppers, hot peppers, savory, tomatoes, lavender, lettuce and arugula

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