Take Caution When Introducing New Plants!


Never put newly bought plants with your seedling you started at home. Keep them in a separate spot away from the healthy ones and treat them with neem oil, or your choice of insecticide or fungicide. After a day or so, when you are sure the newly bought plants are safe from any disease or pests, then introduce them to the rest of your plants.…

Neem Oil in the Garden

I love Neem Oil! I just got done treating all my seedlings with it. Always test neem oil on a section of your plants first. Wait 24hrs, if everything looks good spray down your plant. I did my tests and everything looked great, so I drenched all my seedling with neem oil extract.…

Save your Toilet Paper Rolls for Gardening!

I like to save a few of my toilet paper rolls to help with my seedlings.

Toilet paper rolls used to help support chives.

Also cut rolls down the middle and make smaller rings. Place them around smaller seedlings to help support them too.…

2020 Garden Update #3

A lot has happened in a month…


Before: (April 20th) transplanted Strawberries.
Ozark Beauty Variety
After: (May 11th) I lost a few but still have 30+ growing strong.


Turned the pantry into a grow room!
Another growing area.